For immediate release:
March 08, 2024
Black Students critique College of the North Atlantic for delays in recognizing and celebrating Black History Month
GRAND FALLS-WINDSOR - Black Students of the Grand Falls-Windsor (GFW) campus of the College of the North Atlantic (CNA) have expressed concerns with the delays by CNA head office administration in recognizing Black History Month, and are calling for action to address structural racism faced by students across campuses.
In particular, students are frustrated with the lack of response and coordination from CNA administration to meaningful actions that recognize and celebrate the needs of Black Students on our campuses, and the lack of consideration and acknowledgement further entrenched the systemic racism faced by Black, Indigenous, Migrant, and Racialized students.
“Black Students at the College of the North Atlantic feel unsupported and disregarded by the lack of action on Black History Month, and it is a missed opportunity for important conversations on Anti-Black sentiments in our communities,” said Johnny Alubu Selemani, International Students’ Representative for CNA- GFW campus and incoming International Students Representative with CFS-NL. “Celebrating Black History Month is vital to help Black Students feel included and appreciated in all aspects of the college. The lack of coordination and participation in Black History Month celebrations is creating a silo effect for Black Students that makes them feel isolated.”
“It is vital that CNA administration listens to students when expressing our needs,” said Mary Feltham, Chairperson of CFS-NL. “Marginalized voices need to always be heard, and action taken from their requests; this is especially important during times intended for recognition and celebration such as Black History Month. I want to emphasize to CNA administration that it is of the utmost importance for our Black Students to be heard, and for action to occur to rectify the discrimination occurring on campuses by administration continuing to put student needs at the wayside,” Feltham continued.
Since writing a letter to campus administration expressing these concerns, events have been organized on the Stephenville and Grand Falls-Windsor campuses. Students will be asking CNA administrators to implement an official action on all campuses to celebrate and honour Black History Month in future years, allowing for the involvement and engagement of Black students.
For further information, please contact:
Robert Leamon, Organizer
709.737.3204 (O), 709.771.0222 (M)
The Canadian Federation of Students - Newfoundland and Labrador proudly unites 25,000 public post-secondary students in NL in the fight for high-quality, affordable, post-secondary education.